Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week 6 Post#6

Option #1
Albrecht Durer 
Self Portrait 

I chose this painting from Albrecht Durer because not only does it represent a stage in the artists life that is of high enough importance to paint, but because of its peculiar nature in which it is painted. Going through and looking at paintings from this time period, the only one's I've seen of self portraits with a head on view, were ones depicting Christ in one form or another. All other normal self portraits or even just portraits of people commissioned, were of the person in a 3/4 view. thus for this artist to have depicted himself in such a manor could very well have been sacrilegious in nature when it was created. (according to the documentary) 

I find this fascinating that this artist could so easily depict himself in a way that almost appears to be a likeness of Jesus, and yet not get scorned for doing such a thing. especially in that time period! It is shocking to discover that the opposite is the case and instead of getting the cold shoulder, he got more recognition than ever! funny  way to turn the tides if you ask me. On top of all that he was originally blonde? and to have depicted himself with brown hair just to appear more like Christ? Seems rather backwards in my mind. 

Albrecht Durer found out a way to use the printing press to mass market his art, and thus spreading his popularity even more so across the continent. I found it really interesting that he was so famous all over the European Continent rather than just Italy, because of his ability to recreate his images an innumerable amount of times. This is in itself different from what the earlier European Traditions depicted, because they found that putting more time into one image, and making it the best they could was enough to get recognized in the area they were located at. But I think that Albrecht Durer was better deserving of his fame and fortune because of his wit and genious nature to use such a technology to his benefit. 

I like how in this image there is so many fuzzy and furry things. because of this, it looks really comforting in a way. maybe that has to do with its symmeterical nature, or the fact that he has more hair than I do. Im not sure, but I do know that his jacket looks like it would be really warm. All the details on this piece are stunning, from the accuracy of how the fur on the coat would react when touched, to the shine in his eyes and hair. the folds, the hair, everything is depicted with such skill and beauty, its no wonder the painting itself is considered a miracle. And even now, seen as a beautiful work of art even further around the world. 


  1. I think it is strange to not scold him for portraying himself like Jesus, as you mentioned. I never realized that his hair is not blonde in this self-portrait. Good eye! I remember in one of the videos we had to watch, the guy talking in the video actually got to see the real hair of Durer. That's crazy! I guess it shows us how important he was during his time.

  2. I thought the same thing how could this man not get negative criticism for this painted image of himself depicted as Jesus. But this was during the end of the Catholics rule and influence in the visual arts. Also he's justification was that he was only depicted himself as Jesus because "we are created in his image."
